Examination and Treatment


Careful notes are taken from your health history to uncover clues of the hidden origin of departure from optimum health. Upon entering the office you will be asked to fill out a detailed health history and symptom survey forms. These useful tools assist Dr. Derryberry, D.C. with vital information to piece together the necessary health history to combine with the results of the comprehensive examination and other tests such as imaging (X-rays, MRI, CT etc.) and blood tests to come up with a treatment plan. Dr. Derryberry will ask you questions about your medical history, family history, and personal lifestyle. The medical history will include questions about your diet, digestion, energy level, history of weight loss or gain, sleep and exercise patterns, and relaxation habits. You may be asked to bring a food diary including a list of any herbs, supplements, or medicines that you take regularly. Laboratory tests might be used to find out if you are low in any nutrients and to test your organ function.

This way, Dr. Derryberry, D.C. will get a full picture of your nutritional lifestyle and make appropriate professional recommendations and treatment geared toward your specific health condition.

Our office uses a variety of gentle, safe and effective chiropractic and nutritional therapy treatments for many health conditions.

Call for immediate appointment to discuss your healthcare needs with Dr. Derryberry, D.C.: 805-239-4077 ,

Fax (805)239-4076

Email: drd@drderryberry.com